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Attendance/Tardy Policy

ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES: Regular attendance is a key factor in the success a student achieves in school. State law mandates compulsory full-time education for all school age children, unless exempted by statutory provisions. The parent, guardian, or other person having control or custody of the pupil is by law responsible for school attendance.


Students will be expected to attend class regularly and to be on time in order to receive maximum benefits from the instructional program, to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility, and to assist in keeping disruption of the educational environment to a minimum.  While it is possible for an absent student to make up much of the schoolwork missed, it is impossible to completely compensate for absence from the classroom experience.
Absences always cause some disruption in the educational progress of the student who is absent.  In order to maintain interest and understanding in a program of instruction, students should not be absent more than is absolutely necessary.  Students who fail to make up work may become discouraged with the burden of keeping current and making up missed work.  Irregular attendance or tardiness by students not only retards their own studies, but also interferes with the progress of those pupils who are regular and prompt in attendance. Consistent attendance at Salisbury High School is crucial to each student's personal and academic growth.
State financial support is directly linked to student attendance.  Districts receive apportionment only if students are attending school.
Students who are ill should remain at home, and it is understood that there will be occasional family emergencies that may require a student to be absent from school.  However, parents and students are encouraged to meet all school commitments and to schedule all non-school commitments and appointments outside the regular school day.


Student and Parent/Guardian Responsibilities for Attendance:
When a student is absent, the parent/guardian must notify the school within 24 hours by phone or in writing verifying the cause of the absence. 
Calls should be made to the Salisbury High School Office as early as possible at 529-8766.  The office opens at 7:30AM.  Messages can be left at this number 24 hours a day.   (Choose Option 1 when the recording comes on).
Notes must contain the following information:
Full name of student, first and last names.
Date(s) of absence and the reason for the absence, parent signature and date of signature.
The note must be in ink.
If more information is needed to determine absence clarification, we will contact the parents by phone.


A . Any student absent from school without a valid excuse on three different school days or tardy more than thirty minutes on each of three days during the school year will be classified as a truant by school personnel and the District Attorney's Child Welfare Investigator will be notified.  At that time, the parent/guardian of the truant will be notified and advised of the parent's obligation to compel the student to meet his/her school responsibilities.  The parent/guardian will also be advised of the truancy problem.  Efforts will be made to improve school/home communications and identify commitments that will resolve the truancy problem. [Education Codes Sections 48260 and 48260.5].
B. If your student is absent more than 10% of the time since enrolling in the Red Bluff Joint Union High School District, you will no longer be able to verify your student's absences as excused due to illness without a doctor's note that specifically states your child is/was too ill to attend school. The note must state the dates to be excused and the date your child is able to return to school (California Code of Regulation [C.C.R.], Title 5, Section 306 [Explanation of Absences] and Sections 420-424 [Record of Verification of Absence Due to Illness and Other Causes].
C.  Any pupil who has been reported as a truant and who is again absent from school without a valid excuse one or more days, or tardy on one or more days, shall again be reported as a truant to the superintendent of the district. [Education Code Section 48261]. Your child will be declared as a habitual truant and a formal referral will be made to the School Attendance Review Board. [Education Codes 48260, 48260.5 and 48263]. 
The parent/guardian will be required to meet with the RBJUHSD Student Study Team.  Should the parent/guardian fail to attend this meeting, the parent/guardian and their student will be immediately referred to the District Attorney Child Welfare Investigator for further action.  If the parent/guardian is a CalWORKS recipient, their caseworker at the Department of Social Services will be notified.


Students may not leave campus during school time at any time without checking out in the office. Students are to notify their teacher, proper verification is made with parent/guardian and then student and/or parent/guardian signs student out in the office.  Any student who leaves without going through the proper check out procedures will be considered truant.
Students may check out for doctor/dentist appointments, sudden illness, family emergency, etc., with parent or guardian authorization.
Students leaving campus without permission will be assigned a "Truancy" absence upon their return.
Students who have checked out correctly, must check in at the office upon their return.


Salisbury High School attendance procedures are intended to:
  • Encourage students to be at school
  • Encourage students to make up lost credits
  • Keep parents informed of potential problems
  • Make students accountable for their own attendance
  • Provide a transitional experience for students before they enter the "working world"